Monday 31 October 2011

MEDI 323: Individual Practise: I had a Dream about Orca...

No really. I had this crazy dream about Orca. The basics of this dream was that I was swimming with Orca, in a kind of semi ruined underwater city, I say semi ruined because bits of it were and bits of it were like New York city at night... all high tech and glowing like something from Tron. So it was kind of like a futeristic Ecco game with Orca's instead of dolphins although I am sure there were some dolphin in the background and I verry much remember a crab on the ocean floor. It was a sort of underwater atlantis but the topside of the city was full of skyscrapers. I remember it being very pretty.

So you may be wondering why on earth I have written down a dream. Well it inspired me. How could I photograph the dream and keep a memory of it? I can't so I thought I would do the next best thing and make a Dreamscape. Obviously it will never be exactly what I saw in my dream but it pretty much sums it up.

None of the stock used is mine owing to the rather obscure nature of my dream. However the stock photos are only what I could find using google search.

I am increadibly pleased with this Dreamscape since it sums up an experiance that I would have otherwise very quickly been forgotten. Also visually I think it is very pleasing!

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