I have always been interested in Pop Art. It has influenced this project quite a lot with its ties to Appropriation Art. I have been looking into this art style, as it is similar to what I have been doing with my images and my methods.
I have also tried to blend the ideas of photomontage and collage which also seem to be fairly prevalent in the pop art movement.
Appropriation art however is accesible for anybody nowadays with the internet freeing people to actually create. This image below being a prime example.
However it still is a vaild form of so called 'high' art. One of the most iconic appropriation images in high art being Andy Warhol's can of soup. It is simply a picture of a tin of Campbells Soup...
There is naturally a constant war between this style of art and Copyright Law because of its very nature. The artist WANTS the original work to be noticed, it the point to make comment upon the original, a notion that should fall under the terms of fair use.
I do however very much like Appropriation Art even if my images don't quite fit the definition. Pop Art has definately been an influence.
One of the most inspiring Apropreation Arts for me on a personal level is
Caroline Shotton. I have enjoyed her work for a long time and think is both witty and pleasing. She sticks to a very definate theme, being cows, which I like as it sets her aside and makes her instantly recognisable.