Thursday, 11 November 2010

MEDI 263: Black and White Linhoff Work.

The Linhoff is a wonderful monorail large format camera. Its quality is stunning. We were using photopaper instead of film for our negatives as it gives a very different kind of negative that I personaly think is very cool. If printed in a dry darkroom then results are instant which is very satisfying but I like the depth of the negative whith this process.

In our group we all took photos of eachouther but for some reason chose to develope the photo of ourselfs.
At the time of seeing the negative I realised that wearing dark clothing on a dark background isn't very good for producing quality images as I sort of turned into a floating head. The fact we were using very strong lighting from only one direction may not have helped either...

In the dark room I had to do two test sheets. I am guessing that the first sheet of paper may have been exposed as I did nothing different to the secound test sheet and yet I got actual results secound time around. I am thinking I was just unlucky and selected an exposed sheet of paper as this can somtimes happen, if its your day to have fogged photopaper...

The secound tester however came out fine. And although the image is really quite dark I decided that between around 10 and 15 secounds exposure would be the best thing to do to get an optimum picture, even if it was pretty much just my head...
The final image of me was exposed for 13 secounds and I am fairly happy with it. It needed to be cropped to remove the odd white line but overall I think its very nice.

I also got the tester sheet of Emma's picture as I think I was the one who photographed her.

I really Like the Linhoff cameras as the image quality for black and white is wonderful. I think they are deffinately brilliant for studieo shoots.

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